It’s that time again! If you are like me, then you are knee deep in your homeschool planning for the year. If you have not yet made your curriculum purchases for the upcoming school year then this post is for you. I have already given you My Top 5 Homeschool Curriculum Shopping Tips, and I have a new batch of curriculum shopping tips for you.

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    Without further ado, here are my top curriculum shopping tips for 2021.

    Buy Now

    Last year was insane with how many homeschoolers were shopping for curriculum in August and Spetember. Some people had to wait 2-3 months for their curriculum to arrive. While I don’t anticipate this year being quite as crazy, I am hearing that some publishers are experiencing delays with getting resources stocked in their warehouse. Even the publishers with plenty of inventory are still having some trouble with delays from shipping carriers. If you want to have a smooth start in the fall, order your curriculum as soon as you can. If you are waiting because you are trying to budget your money, try to at least order your skills subjects so you can stay on track with those in the even the rest of your subjects get delayed.

    Homeschool Curriculum Shopping | My Homeschool with a View

    Deal or No Deal

    This is a busy time of year in the homeschool world and the deals are few and far between. In the event that you see a good deal or a sale for something you want to purchase, take the deal. You probably won’t find a better sales until late fall, so don’t wait thinking a better deal will come along. It most likely won’t, so don’t hesitate to buy now.

    Buy Used

    The used curriculum market is FLOODED right now with curriculum from last year’s craziness. This means good deals for you. While publishers might have delays with getting things printed and stocked, used curriculum is available now and ready to ship. If things you are wanting are back ordered, see if you can find it used. You probably can and you will save some money. Win, win!

    This is also the time of year when homeschool groups usually have curriculum sales. This is another great way to find used curriculum and get some really good deals.

    Look for Coupon Codes

    If you happen to find a blogger, YouTuber or other influencer that partners with certain publishers, then they can sometimes offer you unique coupon codes for deals they have worked out with a vendor. Here are a few I have for you:

    A+ Tutorsoft (read my review). Use the code myhsview to take an additional ten percent off their buy one year, get one year free deal. This deal is good through August 2021. Use the code Explore to pay only $179 for a two year ultimate membership. This deal is good through Septemeber 6, 2021.

    Be Kind

    As you go about your curriculum shopping, especially this time in the year, things get busy and mistakes are bound to happen. I know last year there were publishers saying that a lot of people just weren’t nice, or understanding, or just plain demanding. I think this had to do with there being so many new homeschoolers and the homeschool landscape really changed. Just keep in mind, there are real people on the other end of your calls and emails, and usually they are just customer service representatives that don’t have decision making power. Remember that you can choose to be anything, so be kind.

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