This post is about homeschool bible curriculum.

This is a sponsored post and My Homeschool with a View, LLC was compensated to review and write about Intro to Biblical Greek from Master Books. For more information on sponsored posts, read our Affiliate and Advertising Disclosure. Thank you to Master Books for sponsoring this post and providing  Intro to Biblical Greek for this post!

There are so many excellent ways to teach the Bible in your homeschool. Homeschool Bible curriculum options are plentiful.

As someone who completed Bible college courses for two years of high school, I like to implement creative methods for homeschool Bible curriculum.

One of my favorite ways to enhance our homeschool Bible curriculum is by learning Biblical languages, like Hebrew and Koine Greek.

In this post I am going to walk you through everything you need to know to implement Intro to Biblical Greek from Master Books into your homeschool. This will strengthen the way you teach homeschool Bible curriculum and give your kids a better understanding of Biblical foundations.

After reading this post you are going to be as excited as I am to implement this course of study into your homeschool. Read to the end to learn how you can enter for a chance to win a free Morning Basket from Master Books!

Let’s jump right into Intro to Biblical Greek from Master Books for Homeschool Bible Curriculum!

How Intro to Biblical Greek Enhances Your Homeschool Bible Curriculum

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Language vs. Bible Curriculum

At first glance, it might seem puzzling to review Intro to Biblical Greek as a Bible curriculum when it clearly seems to be a language course. However, the beauty of this curriculum lies in its unique approach to teaching the Bible through the study of Koine Greek.

The primary goal of learning Koine Greek is to gain proficiency in reading the New Testament. Afterall, it is the original language in which it was written. 

As I delved into the course with my kids, I quickly realized that they gained a depth of Biblical understanding that they don’t get from traditional homeschool Bible curriculum.

At its core, Intro to Biblical Greek goes beyond the boundaries of a traditional language course. It serves as a comprehensive homeschool Bible curriculum in its own right. 

By combining language study with biblical analysis, students are empowered to engage with scripture on a deeper level. This can foster spiritual growth, intellectual curiosity, and a lifelong love of studying scripture – which is the whole point of teaching Bible as a homeschool subject. 

Gain an Intelligent Perspective of the New Testament

In contemporary religious discussion, we are often directed to read the Bible, with particular emphasis on the New Testament. But let me tell you, things easily get lost in translation.

While the directive to simply read scripture is beneficial, it often lacks a nuanced approach to understanding and how to effectively engage with its contents.

Enter Intro to Biblical Greek, a course that takes us beyond the typical overview or surface level reading of the Bible. It instead offers a scholarly exploration. 

Led by the engaging instructor Todd Friel, whose teaching at times exudes a charismatic “nutty professor” vibe, this course serves to guide students who want to understand the intricate context of New Testament studies. And when it comes to Biblical studies, context is often one of the most important, but missing pieces.

By understanding the original language of the New Testament we can move beyond basic comprehension. It provides an opportunity to get past concepts that may be obscurred by translation and gain insights into Biblical texts that deepen our understanding.

Strengthen Biblical Discernment

I am admittedly a theology nerd that likes to point out when scripture is taken out of context. Maybe some wouldn’t necessarily prioritize this, but I want my kids to be able to discern when someone is speaking truth from a place of knowledge.

My oldest is very similar to me when it comes to our approach to reading the Bible and how we analyze the context of scripture when presented by others.

Through this course, we both not only gained a deeper understanding of the New Testament but it is also serving to hone his ability to discern truth from falsehood when confronted with various interpretations of scripture. This is so important to me as he is growing up and getting closer to launching from My Homeschool with a View.

Intro to Biblical Greek arms him with knowledge, and he is better equipped to engage with the world around him, confidently discerning the authenticity of biblical teaching and standing firm in his faith.

Develop a Biblical Worldview

Understanding the content of the Bible is fundamental to developing a truly Biblical worldview. Without having the context of the original language it is easy to fall into using ones own ideas and opinions to try to give context to what you are reading. But does this truly give the correct Biblical perspective?

This perspective isn’t just about adopting a set of beliefs based on personal feelings or opinions. It’s about comprehending the underlying principles that shape our understanding of the Bible, and in turn shape our worldview.

In my homeschool, high school is the perfect time for introducing the study of scripture from an academic perspective. Analyzing scripture with the tools in Intro to Biblical Greek has proven to be an invaluable decision.

As a mom, I fully realize that the teenage years signify a pivotal moment in our children’s development. It’s a time when they begin to find their independence. Often questioning the beliefs and values they’ve inherited from us and forging their own worldview. 

While this process can be challenging for us as parents, it’s crucial that we equip our children with the correct tools they need to navigate developing their own worldview.

Intro to Biblical Greek, offered at a high school level, is giving my kids the academic framework necessary to engage with scripture in a meaningful and truthful way.

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Fun Way to Study the Bible

I am that odd person in church that gets excited when the speaker starts defining Greek words. Be still my nerdy little heart. But I understand that I am probably the exception, not the rule.

If your eyes glaze over at the thought of nominative and genitive cases, stay with me. Intro to Biblical Greek is anything but dry and boring.

Intro to Biblical Greek injects a sense of excitement and engagement into the process of studying the Bible as an academic subject. This course turns what might seem like a dry academic pursuit into a genuinely enjoyable experience.

Remember how I mentioned earlier that the instructor gives a nutty professor vibe? His teaching style is engaging, and grabbed my kids attention as soon as I started the video. Mr. Friel brings the subject matter to life, making even the most complex linguistic concepts accessible and even entertaining.

This course gives a strong academic foundation to the study of the Bible without being preachy or boring. My kids really enjoy this fun and engaging homeschool Bible curriculum.

What You Will Learn From Intro to Biblical Greek Christian Curriculum for Homeschool

A Firm Foundation for Future Biblical Greek Studies

Intro to Biblical Greek lives up to its name as an introductory course. It is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the Greek language as it relates to biblical texts. 

Unlike traditional language courses that may focus heavily on memorization and translation exercises, this course takes a refreshing approach that emphasizes comprehension and appreciation over rote learning. This is why I feel it fits better as a homeschool Bible curriculum over a language course.

By the end of the course, students emerge with an appreciation and basic understanding of the intricacies of the Koine Greek language and its significance in Biblical study. They won’t have a list of memorized vocabulary or have mastered every grammatical rule.

They will gain an understanding of how Greek texts shape our interpretation of scripture and deepen our Biblical knowledge.

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Greek Language Learning

While I primarily categorize Intro to Biblical Greek as a homeschool Bible curriculum, its incorporation of language instruction adds an extra dimension to the learning experience. This course serves as a multifaceted resource that enriches students’ understanding of the Bible and also provides valuable language lessons.

For students like my youngest, who possess a natural aptitude for languages, this aspect of the course is particularly appealing. Through engaging lessons that cover everything from the Greek alphabet to verb tenses, students get exposure (not mastery) to Koine Greek as a language. 

One of the most fun aspects of this language component is the opportunity for students to engage directly with Biblical texts in Greek. The course includes opportunities to use the language component by reading passages from the Bible in their original language.

How to Implement Intro to Biblical Greek Christian Based Homeschool Curriculum

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High School Homeschool Curriculum

Intro to Biblical Greek is a curriculum recommended by Master Books for students in grades 10-12. Master Books recommends awarding a high school half credit upon completion of this course. 

Despite its condensed ten-week schedule, I think some might find it challenging to meet the sixty-hours typically associated with awarding half of a high school credit.

However, this challenge can be effectively addressed by incorporating optional resources suggested in the Teacher’s Guide. These supplementary materials are specifically curated to complement the core curriculum and extend the scope of the course.

While Intro to Biblical Greek may be a condensed course, its potential for extended study is enhanced by incorporating optional recommended resources. By taking advantage of these supplementary materials, homeschool parents can ensure that their kids meet the baseline for high school credit. 

Short Homeschool Video Lessons

The lesson teaching is contained in a DVD called It’s Not Greek to Me. Individual lessons take about 15-30 minutes to watch.

There are accompanying worksheets in the Teacher’s Guide that are usually only one or two pages long. The time it takes to complete these lessons will vary based on the assignment and the student, but my kids can complete most of these in about ten minutes.

Tests, quizzes, schedules, and grading suggestions are all included in the Teacher’s Guide.

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Online Bible Curriculum for Homeschool

The Intro to Biblical Greek Pack includes the Teacher’s Guide and It’s Not Greek to Me DVD. I actually had to dig an old laptop out of storage in order to watch the DVD. 

If you don’t have a DVD player in your house, never fear. You still have an option for using this curriculum.

Intro to Biblical Greek is available, in its entirety, on Master Books Academy. If you choose this online format, you get all of the videos and the Teacher’s Guide that are available in the physical pack.

You can choose your preferred format and get the same great course to use for your homeschool Bible curriculum.

Master Books Biblical Curriculum for Homeschool

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Eclectic Homeschool Style

Having navigated through several Master Books courses at My Homeschool with a View, it’s become apparent that these resources defy easy categorization within a single homeschool style

Each course offers a unique blend of educational approaches tailored to the subject matter at hand. This makes it difficult to slot them into one particular mold.

However, when it comes to Intro to Biblical Greek, it undeniably aligns with the traditional homeschooling style. But don’t worry, it is not rigid or tedious as is often associated with the traditional homeschool method.

At its core are video-based lessons that directly engage the student, offering dynamic instruction that is both informative and captivating.

The inclusion of worksheets, quizzes, and tests serves as a means of measuring progress and reinforcing learning objectives. These are hallmarks of traditional homeschooling methodology and why I put it in this category.

As with any homeschool curriculum, you can choose which components of the curriculum you prefer. If quizzes and tests aren’t prioritized in your homeschool method, you can always skip them. This curriculum is a tool that doesn’t need to be limited to one particular homeschool philosophy.

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Comprehensive Teacher’s Guide

Unique to Master Books are the comprehensive Teacher’s Guides. The Teacher’s Guides are where you find the student pages like worksheets, quizzes and tests. This is something that homeschoolers who are new to Master Books may find confusing.

If you have multiple students completing Intro to Biblical Greek, you need a Teacher’s Guide for each student. The Teacher’s Guide is where you find all of the student consumables, as well as teaching resources.

The Teacher’s Guide begins with a course introduction, a checklist style schedule, all of the student worksheets, and the answer key. Everything is conveniently contained in one book.

My View of Intro to Biblical Greek from Master Books

Implementing Intro to Biblical Greek from Master Books is a fun way to enrich your homeschool Bible curriculum. It is a course that doesn’t feel heavy or like work, but your kids will learn.

My kids and I enjoyed the teaching and activities in this course. While it feels a little bit light for high school, I feel like adding the suggested resources would make this a more in-depth course.

If you are just wanting a true introduction to the subject of Biblical Greek, then teach this course as is. It gives a great overview of Biblical Greek.

I like taking unique approaches to homeschooling. This unique approach to homeschool Bible curriculum fosters growth and intellectual curiosity of studying scripture. Moreover, it equips my kids with the tools necessary for discernment, critical thinking, and the development of a solid biblical worldview. 

With its engaging lessons and comprehensive resources, Intro to Biblical Greek serves as a dynamic addition to any homeschool curriculum.

This post is all about using Intro to Biblical Greek from Master Books for Homeschool Bible Curriculum.

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