Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.


Simply Coding is an interactive online coding curriculum that offers over 300 hours of online classes. Classes include Java, Python, Websites, 3D Game Design, Virtual Reality and more. Simply coding doesn’t only offer classes in coding but they also offer a wide variety of media and tech classes as well. The Coding For Kids Annual Membership will give you unlimited access to all of the classes offered for one full year. You can purchase a single student membership, or the family membership which allows you access to three student accounts. They offer a ten day free trial so you can try it for ten days to see if it is a good fit.

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Each class has multiple learning modules with video instruction that will walk your student through each project, step by step. Students then utilize the information presented to create their own unique projects. You can go from basic computer literacy to coding a website by completing all of the modules in a course. The courses are self paced and independent, but there is chat and email help available should your student get stuck on a module.

How I Use It

My twelve year old, Carter, loves to do all things coding and programming. He has advanced beyond the typical block-type coding programs and I have been looking for a way to advance his skills in this area. Simply Coding is the perfect next step to take his programming and coding to the next level, because it teaches real coding language in a game based format to keep kids engaged and interested. Carter completed the JavaScript Game Design course and is now learning how to set up his own website. The best part is that I don’t have to know anything about coding for him to learn. He can use this program completely independently!

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Carter has been working through the modules as part of his independent schoolwork. He said that anything he wants to learn, as far as technology is concerned, is available in the Simply Coding course pathways. He has had trouble narrowing down what he wants to learn first and working through a whole class module before trying a new class. There is a lot to choose from!

Grade Level/Age

Simply Coding recommends using their learning pathways for ages 11-18. While there are always exceptions to age recommendations, I feel like the 11-18 age range is pretty accurate, but I would say that adults will enjoy learning from this too. I’m looking forward to completing some of the media classes myself.

Homeschool Style

This is great for any homeschool style but especially helpful for interest lead learning. It works best for independent learners that can take themselves through the modules without needing to be parent lead.

Things to Consider

Carter is the one who is using this program and he has pretty extensive coding and programming experience. He found the JavaScript Game Design class confusing at first. He couldn’t express what exactly he found confusing, but I told him to stick with it. Once he got used to the class format, he was able to successfully complete the course. He ended up really liking the Simply Coding classes once he got into it, but it was slow going at first. If your child doesn’t quite understand the classes at first, give it time and keep trying. The instruction is actually really well done; it might just take a few tries to get the hang of it.


The Coding For Kids Annual Membership from Simply Coding is an excellent resource for 11-18 year olds who want to learn real coding language. This program is video and project based and lends itself well to independent learning. This can be completely student directed and since there is live help available directly to the student, parents don’t have to know anything about coding in order for their kids to succeed in the classes. The Coding For Kids Annual Membership gives access to a wide array of coding, media, and tech classes that will appeal to any homeschool style. The site is professional and easy to navigate, and the instruction is excellent. If your child is interested in coding games and website design, then I highly recommend trying the Coding for Kids Annual Membership from Simply Coding!

Read More

This review is written in partnership with the Homeschool Review Crew. Check out more Coding For Kids Annual Membership from Simply Coding reviews on the Homeschool Review Crew Blog.

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