This post will give you the best deep cleaning room checklist for the whole family.

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deep room cleaning checklist
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There’s something about summer that turns my house into resembling a scene from a 1990’s apocalyptic movie. Between the kids’ activities and my attempts to take advantage of the time off from homeschooling to get work done on My Homeschool with a View, there is very little time to keep the house in order. 

While following my homeschool mom’s cleaning routine helps, sometimes it’s time for a reset following this deep cleaning room checklist. A deep cleaning checklist by room makes this an organized and fluid process.

If you are ready to go into the new homeschool year with a fresh start and a clean house, then read on. This post will give you a deep cleaning room checklist for your whole house. This will also give you a deep cleaning room checklist for teens, and a deep cleaning room checklist for kids. Fun for the whole family…as fun as cleaning can be anyway.

This post is a deep cleaning room checklist for the whole family.

Living Room Deep Cleaning Checklist

  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Sort and organize shelves, drawers, and cabinets.
  2. Dusting
    • Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and lamps.
    • Wipe down shelves, picture frames, and decorative items.
    • Dust electronics and unplug to clean behind them.
  3. Furniture
    • Vacuum and clean upholstery, including under cushions.
    • Polish wooden furniture.
    • Spot clean any stains on furniture.
  4. Windows and Mirrors
    • Clean windows inside and out.
    • Wipe down window sills and tracks.
    • Clean mirrors and glass surfaces.
  5. Floors
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Wash curtains or dust blinds.
    • Clean air vents and replace filters.
    • Sanitize remote controls and other frequently touched items.


  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Empty and clean out the refrigerator and pantry.
    • Organize cabinets and drawers.
  2. Appliances
    • Clean the inside and outside of the microwave, oven, and dishwasher.
    • Wipe down the refrigerator, including under and behind it.
    • Clean the stovetop and range hood.
  3. Surfaces
    • Wipe down countertops and backsplash.
    • Clean and sanitize the sink and faucet.
    • Polish any stainless steel surfaces.
  4. Cabinets and Drawers
    • Wipe down cabinet doors and drawer fronts.
    • Clean the inside of cabinets and drawers.
  5. Floors
    • Sweep and mop the floor.
    • Clean baseboards and under appliances.
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Empty and clean the trash can.
    • Clean windows and window sills.
    • Wash any kitchen textiles like dish towels and rugs.


  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Organize closets, dressers, and nightstands.
  2. Bedding
    • Wash all bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers.
    • Rotate or flip the mattress and vacuum it.
  3. Dusting
    • Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and lamps.
    • Wipe down shelves, picture frames, and decorative items.
  4. Windows and Mirrors
    • Clean windows inside and out.
    • Wipe down window sills and tracks.
    • Clean mirrors and any glass surfaces.
  5. Floors
    • Vacuum carpets and rugs.
    • Mop hard floors.
    • Clean baseboards.
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Wash curtains or dust blinds.
    • Clean air vents and replace filters.
    • Sanitize light switches and door handles.


  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Organize cabinets and drawers.
  2. Surfaces
    • Clean and sanitize the sink, faucet, and countertop.
    • Scrub the bathtub, shower, and toilet.
    • Wipe down mirrors and any glass surfaces.
  3. Cabinets and Drawers
    • Wipe down cabinet doors and drawer fronts.
    • Clean the inside of cabinets and drawers.
  4. Floors
    • Sweep and mop the floor.
    • Clean baseboards.
  5. Miscellaneous
    • Wash shower curtains and bath mats.
    • Empty and clean the trash can.
    • Clean windows and window sills.

Home Office

  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Organize desk, shelves, and filing cabinets.
  2. Dusting
    • Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and lamps.
    • Wipe down shelves, picture frames, and decorative items.
    • Dust electronics and unplug to clean behind them.
  3. Furniture
    • Clean and polish desk and office chair.
    • Spot clean any stains on upholstery.
  4. Windows and Mirrors
    • Clean windows inside and out.
    • Wipe down window sills and tracks.
    • Clean mirrors and any glass surfaces.
  5. Floors
    • Vacuum carpets and rugs.
    • Mop hard floors.
    • Clean baseboards.
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Clean air vents and replace filters.
    • Sanitize light switches, door handles, and keyboard/mouse.

Laundry Room

  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Organize shelves and cabinets.
  2. Appliances
    • Clean the inside and outside of the washing machine and dryer.
    • Wipe down the top and sides of appliances.
    • Clean the lint trap and exhaust vent.
  3. Surfaces
    • Wipe down countertops and any flat surfaces.
    • Clean and sanitize the sink and faucet.
  4. Floors
    • Sweep and mop the floor.
    • Clean baseboards.
  5. Miscellaneous
    • Empty and clean the trash can.
    • Clean windows and window sills.


  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Organize shoes, coats, and accessories.
  2. Dusting
    • Dust light fixtures and lamps.
    • Wipe down shelves and decorative items.
  3. Surfaces
    • Wipe down tables and surfaces.
    • Clean mirrors and any glass surfaces.
  4. Floors
    • Sweep and mop the floor.
    • Clean baseboards.
  5. Miscellaneous
    • Clean windows and window sills.
    • Sanitize door handles and light switches.


  1. Declutter and Organize
    • Remove all items that don’t belong.
    • Organize tools, equipment, and storage areas.
  2. Surfaces
    • Wipe down shelves and workbenches.
    • Clean and organize storage bins and cabinets.
  3. Floors
    • Sweep and mop the floor.
    • Clean any oil stains or spills.
  4. Miscellaneous
    • Clean windows and window sills.
    • Sanitize door handles and light switches.

Deep Cleaning Room Checklist for Teens

I’m sure your teens LOVE to clean as much as mine do. I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my words. In my experience, a checklist helps keep my teens on track, and it eliminates me needing to give a ton of direction. And teens like their independence, so this gives them that while still meeting my clean standards.

  1. Gather Your Supplies:
  • Trash bags
  • Laundry basket
  • Dust cloths or microfiber cloths
  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments or broom
  • Cleaning sprays (for surfaces, windows, and floors)
  • Bucket and mop
  • Organizing bins or boxes
  • Old toothbrush (for detailed cleaning)
  • Baking soda and vinegar (for natural cleaning)
  1. Declutter:
  • Trash: Start by picking up any trash and putting it into a trash bag. This includes old papers, wrappers, and anything else you don’t need.
  • Dirty Dishes: Take any dishes to the kitchen.
  • Laundry: Gather all your dirty clothes and put them in a laundry basket. Check under the bed, in the closet, and other hidden spots.
  • Out of Place Items: Collect anything that doesn’t belong in your room and place it in a bin to be returned to its proper place later.
  1. Organize:
  • Surfaces: Clear off surfaces like your desk, dresser, and nightstand. Organize what remains and put away items that belong elsewhere.
  • Drawers and Closet: Empty out your drawers and closet. Sort through your clothes and belongings, folding and organizing as you go. Donate or discard items you no longer need.
  • Shelves: Tidy up your shelves, arranging books, accessories, and other items neatly. Consider getting rid of things you no longer use.
  1. Clean:
  • Dust: Dust all surfaces, including shelves, furniture, decorative items, ceiling fan blades, and light fixtures. Use a microfiber cloth or duster.
  • Windows: Clean your windows inside and out with a glass cleaner. Wipe down the window sills and frames.
  • Walls and Baseboards: Wipe down your walls and baseboards with a damp cloth or mild cleaner. Pay special attention to corners and behind furniture.
  • Vacuum/Sweep and Mop: Thoroughly vacuum or sweep the floors, making sure to get under the bed and in corners. Use attachments to clean edges and upholstery. Mop the floors if needed, especially if you have hardwood or tile.
  • Bedding: Remove and wash all bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and comforters. Vacuum your mattress and rotate it if needed.
  • Detail Cleaning: Use an old toothbrush to clean hard-to-reach areas like around light switches, in the grooves of window sills, and other small crevices.
  1. Freshen Up:
  • Air Freshener: Spray a light air freshener or open a window to let in some fresh air.
  • Personal Touches: Add a few personal touches like a favorite photo, a plant, or some fairy lights to make your room feel cozy and inviting.

Deep Cleaning Room Checklist for Kids

Involving younger kids in deep cleaning can be a fun activity. Perfection is not the expectation, but family involvement and training is important. Here’s how to engage the littles in the process:

  • Make It Fun: Turn on some upbeat music and make cleaning a game. Set timers for short bursts of cleaning and see who can pick up the most items or dust the fastest.
  • Give Age-Appropriate Tasks: Assign tasks based on their age. Younger kids can help with simple tasks like picking up toys, putting laundry in the basket, or dusting low surfaces. Older kids can handle more complex tasks like vacuuming or organizing shelves.
  • Teach As You Go: Use this as an opportunity to teach kids about the importance of cleanliness and organization. Explain why it’s important to keep surfaces dust-free and why we need to wash bedding regularly.
  • Use Kid-Friendly Supplies: Provide child-safe cleaning supplies. You can use natural cleaners like vinegar and water or baking soda for scrubbing, which are safe and effective.
  • Reward Their Effort: Offer small rewards or praise to keep them motivated. A clean room and some fun activities afterward can be a great incentive.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Daily 5-Minute Tidy: Spend just five minutes each day putting things back in place.
  • Weekly Quick Clean: Once a week, do a quick clean to maintain the tidiness.
  • Monthly Declutter: Every month, go through your belongings and get rid of things you no longer need.

In addition to these tips, My Homeschool Mom’s Cleaning Routine to Save Your Sanity is a great way to maintain your freshly deep-cleaned home.

This post is all about deep cleaning room checklist.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Deep Cleaning Room Checklist

1. How often should I deep clean my home?

Deep cleaning is recommended at least once every 3-6 months. However, high-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms may benefit from more frequent deep cleaning.

2. What is the difference between regular cleaning and deep cleaning?

Regular cleaning involves routine tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and wiping surfaces. Deep cleaning is more thorough and includes cleaning areas that are often overlooked, like behind appliances, inside cabinets, and detailed scrubbing of surfaces.

3. Do I need special cleaning products for deep cleaning?

While standard cleaning products are often sufficient, certain tasks may require specialized products. For example, a heavy-duty cleaner may be needed for stubborn stains or a stainless steel cleaner for kitchen appliances. Always read the labels and use products as directed.

4. How can I make deep cleaning more manageable?

Break the process down into smaller tasks and tackle one room at a time. Create a schedule and spread the tasks over several days or weeks. Enlist the help of family members to divide the workload.

5. How can I maintain a clean home between deep cleanings?

Establish a regular cleaning routine, address spills and messes promptly, and declutter regularly. This will help keep your home tidy and reduce the effort required for the next deep cleaning.

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