This post covers all of the best unschooling ideas to get you started with this super-flexible approach to homeschooling. These are unschooling ideas that I love, even as a non-unschooler.

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So, you have decided to unschool. Now what? You don’t need to set a schedule, purchase homeschool curriculum or stock your homeschool supplies. But what should you be doing?

While unschooling is normally child-led learning, it doesn’t mean that you as a parent can’t set a tone and direction for your homeschool. Coming up with unschooling ideas and activities, based on your kids interests is totally okay as an unschooler.

Better yet, you don’t have to come up with all of the unschooling ideas on your own. These 99 unschooling ideas will keep your kids from sitting at home, wondering what to do next.

Find out what your kids are interested in learning, and give them some of these amazing unschooling ideas to run with.

This post is all about unschooling ideas.

Related: Unlock Your Child’s Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Unschooling

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Exploring the Outdoors: Nature-Based Unschooling Ideas

Many of these ideas are Charlotte Mason inspired, and I incorporate many of them into my homeschool. Outdoor unschooling activities are some of our favorites at My Homeschool with a View.

1. Nature Walks and Hikes

Discover local trails and parks to explore plants, trees, rocks, even types of sand and dirt.

2. Bird Watching

Learn to identify local bird species and keep a journal of sightings. This may not be completely unschooly, but I recommend picking up a birds field guide for your local area.

3. Gardening

Start a garden and learn about plant life cycles, sustainability, and ecosystems. You can find out what kind of pollinators you have in your area and plant specific plants to attract them.

4. Camping

Experience the great outdoors with camping trips, learning survival skills, how to use a compass and star navigation.

5. Beachcombing

Collect shells, sea glass, and learn about marine life. This is one of our favorite activities when we get to travel to a beach.

6. Insect Observation

Create a bug collection and study their habits and environments.

7. Rock Collecting

Identify and categorize different types of rocks and minerals.

8. Nature Photography

Capture the beauty of nature through photography projects.

9. Tree Identification

Learn to identify various trees and understand their role in the ecosystem. Observe trees in all seasons and see how they change throughout the year.

10. Eco-Projects

Participate in local conservation efforts or start a recycling project.

Creative Arts and Crafts: Unschooling Activities for Artistic Expression

11. Painting

Explore different painting techniques and styles. If your kids have an interest in diving deeper, you can use these Discover the  Greatest Artists Units to learn about artists and their techniques.

12. Drawing

Improve drawing skills with sketchbooks and online tutorials. Art for Kids Hub on Youtube is free and has been a favorite of my kids over the years.

13. Sculpture

Create sculptures using clay, wire, or found objects.

14. Jewelry Making

Design and create custom jewelry pieces.

15. Sewing and Knitting

Learn to sew and knit, creating clothes and accessories.

16. Pottery

Take pottery classes or try hand-building at home.

17. Digital Art

Use software like Photoshop or Procreate to create digital artwork.

18. Photography

Study composition and lighting to enhance photography skills.

19. Crafting

Make homemade crafts, from candles to soaps.

20. Music

Learn an instrument or compose original music.

Scientific Exploration: Unschooling Ideas for Budding Scientists

The great thing about science exploration is that it gives plenty of opportunity for hands-on learning. Young kids especially love to get their hands dirty with messy science experiments.

21. DIY Science Experiments

Conduct simple experiments to understand scientific principles.

22. Astronomy

Use a telescope to explore the night sky and study celestial bodies.

23. Robotics

Build and program robots with kits like LEGO Mindstorms. My kids have enjoyed building battle bots with the LEGO Mindstorms kit. My oldest one our county robotics competition a few years ago using the Mindstorms kit too.

24. Chemistry Sets

Experiment with chemistry kits to learn about reactions and compounds.

25. Physics Projects

Explore concepts like gravity, motion, and energy through hands-on projects.

26. Biology Labs

Dissect plants and learn about anatomy through practical experiments.

Related: 10 Great Reasons to Use Virtual Science Labs for Homeschool – My Homeschool with a View

27. Environmental Science

Participate in clean-up projects and study local ecosystems. Clean-up projects are also an excellent way to involve our kids in community service projects.

28. Meteorology

Track weather patterns and learn about climate science.

29. Geology

Study rocks, minerals, and the Earth’s layers.

30. Marine Biology

Visit aquariums and study marine ecosystems.

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Literary and Language Skills: Unschooling Ideas for Young Writers and Readers

As a writer myself, these are my best ideas for budding writers. I have always preferred a natural approach to writing over bland formulaic composition. Those techniques can be taught later as needed. Giving space to put thoughts on paper and present ideas without constraints produces good writers.

31. Creative Writing

Write stories, poems, or start a blog.

32. Book Clubs

Join or start a book club to discuss and analyze literature.

33. Journaling

Keep a daily journal to improve writing skills and self-reflection.

34. Public Speaking

Practice public speaking with family or join a local club.

35. Language Learning

Foreign language is my favorite subject to unschool. We all learned our native language naturally, and foreign languages can be learned the same way. We use apps like Duolingo, since it has a game-like feel to it, to learn foreign language.

36. Storytelling

Engage in storytelling sessions to develop imagination and narrative skills.

37. Reading Challenges

Set reading goals and explore different genres. Check with your local library for challenge opportunities.

38. Poetry

Read and write poetry, exploring different forms and styles.

39. Scriptwriting

Write scripts for plays, movies, or podcasts.

40. Book Writing

Start writing a novel or short story collection.

Historical and Cultural Exploration: Unschooling Activities for Understanding the World

While I love history and have always used history curriculum, these are ideas that I incorporate to enhance history learning.

41. Historical Reenactments

Participate in or watch historical reenactments.

42. Museum Visits

Explore local museums and learn about history and art.

43. Cultural Festivals

Attend festivals to learn about different cultures and traditions.

44. Genealogy

Research family history and create a family tree.

45. Documentary Films

Watch documentaries on various historical and cultural topics. Our favorites are The Men Who Built America and The Foods that Built America.

46. Ancient Civilizations

Study ancient civilizations through books and online resources.

47. Local History

Research and explore the history of your local area.

48. World Religions

Learn about different religions and their cultural impacts.

49. Archaeology

Participate in or simulate archaeological digs.

50. Art History

Study different art movements and their historical contexts.

Practical Life Skills: Unschooling Ideas for Everyday Learning

Related: Life Skills for Kids: Six Essential Skills Every Kid Should Learn

51. Cooking

Cooking is like the Swiss army knife of unschooling. There are so many subjects and topics you can cover in the kitchen including math, geography and cultures, and chemistry.

52. Budgeting

Teach financial literacy through budgeting and saving.

Related: 17 Compelling Reasons to Teach Your Teens Financial Literacy

53. DIY Projects

Engage in home improvement or crafting projects.

54. Car Maintenance

Learn basic car maintenance skills.

55. First Aid

Take a first aid course to learn emergency skills.

56. Entrepreneurship

Start a small business or engage in an entrepreneurial project. I find this so much more productive than having my kids find a job. This can be as simple as a lemonade stand or mowing lawns, depending on your kids’ interests and abilities.

57. Household Chores

Teach responsibility through daily household chores.

Related: Homeschool Mom’s Cleaning Routine – My Homeschool with a View

58. Time Management

Develop time management and organizational skills.

59. Gardening

Grow vegetables and learn about sustainable living.

60. Volunteering

Engage in community service projects.

Technology and Engineering: Unschooling Ideas for Tech-Savvy Kids

My oldest is an extremely tech-loving teenager. He has actually always loved all things technology. I’m going to give him credit for these ideas, as I am not the tech savvy one in the family.

61. Coding

Learn to code with platforms like Scratch or These are the books my oldest used to teach himself to code when he was really young. Today as I write this, he is in class learning how to program AI. He always recommends starting with Scratch for kids interested in coding.

62. Game Design

Create video games using game design software.

63. 3D Printing

This is a great way to learn design and it’s useful for a lot of things, even board game designing. But I have to warn you, half of the life of a 3D printer owner is spent fixing the 3D printer. Ask me how I know…

64. Web Design

Learn to build websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can set your kids up with a blog and combine web design with writing. I love when an activity hits multiple topics at once.

65. Electronics

Use a breadboard to build simple circuits and learn about electronics. Snap circuit kits are perfect for beginners learning about circuits.

66. App Development

Develop and publish mobile apps.

67. Cybersecurity

Study cybersecurity principles and ethical hacking.

68. Virtual Reality

Explore virtual reality and create VR experiences.

69. Digital Animation

Create animations using software like Blender.

70. Tech Repair

Learn to repair computers and other tech devices.

Social Studies and Humanities: Unschooling Ideas for Civic and Social Learning

71. Debate Club

Start or join a debate club to discuss current events and issues.

72. Political Science

Study government systems and political theories.

73. Community Projects

Engage in local community projects and initiatives.

74. Philosophy

Explore philosophical ideas and ethical questions.

75. Cultural Exchange

Connect with people from different cultures and exchange ideas.

76. Sociology

Study human behavior and social structures.

77. Anthropology

Learn about human societies and cultures through time.

78. Economics

Understand basic economic principles and systems.

79. Psychology

Study the human mind and behavior.

Sports and Physical Activities: Unschooling Ideas for Active Learning

I am all about incorporating physical fitness into any homeschool program. As a trainer and health coach (yes, I do other things besides homeschool), I grasp the importance of starting young with health and fitness.

80. Team Sports

If your kids are interested in a sport, join local sports teams to learn teamwork and physical fitness.

81. Martial Arts

Learn discipline and self-defense through martial arts.

82. Dance

Take dance classes or learn new dance styles.

83. Hiking

Explore nature through hiking and outdoor activities.

84. Swimming

Improve swimming skills and enjoy water activities.

85. Biking

Go on biking adventures and explore new areas.

86. Skating

Learn to skate, either on ice or inline skates.

87. Gymnastics

Develop flexibility and strength through gymnastics.

88. Fitness Challenges

Create fitness challenges to stay active and healthy.

Travel and Adventure: Unschooling Ideas for Real-World Learning

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89. Road Trips

Take road trips to explore new places and cultures. This doesn’t have to be a big and expensive road trip. You can go to a neighboring town or city and explore new things there. You just have to sell it with a sense of wonder and adventure.

90. International Travel

This isn’t realistic for everyone’s situation, but if given the opportunity I highly recommend it. My husband’s work took him to Ireland when our boys were 10 and 8. I ended up taking the boys over there for two months, and we didn’t bring school books. We immersed ourselves in the experience, learned some stuff, and made the sweetest memories.

91. Historical Sites

Visit historical landmarks and learn their stories.

92. National Parks

Explore national parks and learn about conservation.

Related: Homeschooling in Yellowstone National Park – My Homeschool with a View

93. Travel Journaling

Document travel experiences through writing and photography.

94. Backpacking

Go backpacking to learn about self-sufficiency and exploration.

95. Adventure Sports

Try adventure sports like rock climbing or white-water rafting.

96. Language Immersion

Travel to places where a new language is spoken for immersion learning.

97. Missions Trips

Participate in missions programs abroad to learn and help communities.

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