Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post and I was compensated for my time to review and write about the Core Motivation test and curriculum from TruSpark. All opinions are always my own. Thank you to TruSpark for providing the assessment and curriculum for review. For more information on sponsored posts, read my Affiliate and Advertising Disclosure.

As a homeschool parent who is getting ready and planning for my first high schooler next year, I am actively looking for all the tools to help with this new experience. Homeschooling elementary and middle school seems much less pressure filled than high school. I know that the next four years are preparation for what could be an entire lifetime, and I feel so much of high school planning depends on what my son wants to do after high school. It is a delicate balance as I am very careful not to pressure my thirteen year old into making life long decisions now, but I need some sort of idea of where he’s heading after high school. This brings me to a new tool we’re using to help us with this next adventure, TruSpark.

TruSpark for Teens

TruSpark is an online, self-paced, core motivation test and curriculum that’s based on sixty years of research. It is designed to help students find what truly drives them.

Learn More about the Research Behind TruSpark

According to my teen, the TruSpark Core Motivation assessment and curriculum assists you in:

  • Finding what drives you
  • Learning about your identity
  • Building confidence in your abilities
  • Letting you explore career options that match your core motivations
TruSpark Core Motivation for Teens Review
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Core Motivations

TruSpark’s research backed assessment is based on 19 core motivations. Core Motivations can be described as the driving force behind what you do and the decisions you make. The assessment helps narrow down these driving factors to your top three core motivations, then the curriculum takes you through what to do with the information.

See the 19 TruSpark Motivational Themes

Motivation Assessment for Teens

TruSpark is designed for kids in their early to mid teens. I think this is an accurate age range, although older teens and young adults may be interested in learning about their core motivations as well. My thirteen year old really got into the program and was excited to learn about himself and explore some different career options. I think he’s at the sweet spot age for this program.

TruSpark Assessment and Curriculum

While the assessment can be purchased separately and used as a standalone tool to find your students core motivations, you will get best results by using the curriculum and assessment together. The entire program is designed to be completed in 3-4 hours.

The TruSpark curriculum is divided into three levels. Level one introduces Core Motivations and prepares your teens for the assessment. Since the assessment is based on the student’s own stories, it gives some help and direction on finding the student’s story. After completing the first two lessons in level one, the student should take the assessment. The next lesson goes on to really help the student understand their top three core motivations.

Level two dives into career exploration with a focus on what it means to find meaningful work. Students learn how to use career exploration tools like the O*NET.

Level three is all about embracing your uniqueness and core motivations as your super powers. It really is a celebration of your own identity.

Career Exploration with O*NET

Career exploration is a large part of the TruSpark program. Teens get a list of the top ten careers to explore for each of their three core motivations. My teen was very happy to see Game Developer listed as one of his recommended career choices. Not only did he get a list of possible career choices, he had the opportunity to really divei n and explore the career choices.

TruSpark uses the career exploration tool MyNextMove, based on the O*NET.  This powerful tool for job seekers allows you to explore over 900 different careers. TruSpark has made this tool more accessible for a younger audience, and my son really appreciated exploring things like potential salary for a game developer, how long school/ training might take, potential for market growth, etc.

Core Motivation Assessment vs. Personality Test

While those familiar with personality tests such as Meyers Briggs or the enneagram test may notice that TruSpark’s Core Motivations Test might seem similar on the surface, they aren’t the same. TruSpark goes beyond personality, talent and ability to find what really moves us at a core level. What drives us into the choices we make? Why do we like or dislike certain things? Core motivations are the answer to both of those questions.

The TruSpark assessment is also unique in the fact that it is story driven. Rather than asking generic questions you may see on personality tests, TruSpark has us write a short story about our own experiences, and then asks questions based on that story.

TruSpark Core Motivation for Teens Review
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Our Experience with TruSpark

My teen was able to go through TruSpark on his own. It is completely self paced and user friendly. He liked learning about himself and really taking the time to think about what his core motivations are. Exploring careers like game development was a lot of fun for him.

I really appreciate having another tool in my belt as we get ready to enter high school. I feel my job as a parent isn’t to direct him into his future, but to prepare him for whatever is next. TruSpark is a great tool to let him discover what he wants to do, on his own. I can now take this information about his core motivations and use it to help me pave a path with curriculum and courses.

Add TruSpark to Your Homeschool

If you are planning for high school, or just trying to figure out how to reach your teen and help them discover their identity and build confidence, then TruSpark just might be the tool you need. Be sure to check out their website for more information.

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