This post is what you need to know if you are wondering how to make your house smell good.

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how to make your house smell good naturally
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Everybody loves a fresh smelling home. As homeschool moms, we spend a lot of time in this space, and it needs to smell good. Have you ever wondered how to make your house smell good all the time? I have.

As a mom of boys, who are now stinkagers (stinky teenagers), I am always looking for ways to make my home smell good, without being perfumey or overly feminine. I live in a boys’ world and I have learned to embrace it, but I still want my house to smell good.

I also have some chemical sensitivity, and just don’t tolerate artificial air fresheners at all. We’re talking about monster headaches. So I have found natural ways to accomplish making my house smell good.

In this post you will learn how to make your house smell good naturally, without using harsh chemical. I find these methods will make your house smell good in a subtle way, without being up in your face like artificial scents. Here are my best tips for how to make your house smell good.

how to make your house smell good without candles
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How to Make Your House Smell Good Without Candles

I like candles, but when my kids were little I didn’t like burning them in the house. This let me get creative to find ways to make my house smell good, sans candles. Here are some of my favorite ideas.

1. Open the Windows

This seems like an obvious one, but if you are like me and have neighbors close by, windows probably don’t get opened very often. I like some space from my neighbors and the windows create space. But, open windows let in fresh air too.

Open those windows and let the fresh air in. Opening windows is the simplest way to banish stale odors and invite in a natural breeze. 

2. Use Essential Oils

Next, try essential oils. Lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint are fantastic choices. Add a few drops to a diffuser or a spray bottle with water.

If you have pets, make sure that you use essential oil blends that are pet safe.

3. Simmer Spices

This is one of my favorite things to do in the fall and winter months. There’s something so cozy about simmering spices like cinnamon sticks, cloves, and star anise in water. It creates a delightful aroma that’s perfect for cozy days.

4. Baking Soda Magic

Baking soda absorbs unpleasant odors. Place an open box in your fridge, sprinkle it on carpets before vacuuming, or use it to clean surfaces. You can even sprinkle it over your mattress to keep it smelling fresh.

You can add essential oils to your baking soda to make an even more powerful carpet or mattress refresher. I picked up a parmesan shaker jar at a dollar store, and I use this for my baking soda and essential oil mixes. It is perfect for sprinkling on carpets or mattresses.

5. Houseplants

Houseplants not only purify the air but also add a subtle freshness. Try plants like peace lilies or spider plants for an added touch.

6. Homemade Potpourri

Make potpourri with dried flowers, herbs, and citrus peels. It’s both decorative and fragrant.

We grow hibiscus and lavender in our flower beds during summer months. Drying them and using them in potpourri is a great way to let the summer garden linger on for a little while longer.

7. How to Make Your House Smell Good with Vanilla Extract

Place a few drops of vanilla extract on cotton balls and tuck them into corners or drawers. This simple trick keeps your home smelling sweet. Even though it may not be considered completely natural, imitation vanilla works well for this one too. Real vanilla can get pricey.

8. Citrus Peels

Next time you peel an orange or squeeze a lemon, don’t throw out the peels. Dry citrus peels and use them in potpourri or simmer them on the stove. Their natural oils release a refreshing scent.

9. Herb Sachets

Fill small fabric bags with dried herbs like rosemary, lavender, or thyme. Place them in closets, drawers, or even under pillows.

10. Coffee Grounds

My aunt, a retired flight attendant, told me about this hack. Coffee grounds neutralize odors and flight attendants use them when someone gets sick on a plane. 

Place a bowl of used grounds in the fridge to get the smell of coffee goodness every time you open the door. Used coffee grounds can also be used in your garden or on your lawn.

Coffee really is a gift from God.

how to make your house smell good fast
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How to Make Your House Smell Good Fast

Unexpected company on their way? Or maybe you cooked fish for dinner. Either way, you want to get your home smelling good as fast as possible. These ideas are for those occasions when you need a quick solution.

11. Candle Warmers

Use candle warmers with natural soy or beeswax candles. They release a pleasant scent without the risk of open flames.

12. Vinegar Solution

This one will make your house smell not so great at first, but is more of a long-run type thing. A mixture of vinegar and water is excellent for cleaning and deodorizing surfaces. Add a few drops of essential oil to mask the vinegar scent.

13. Baking Fresh Goods

The aroma of freshly baked cookies or bread can make your home irresistible. Plus, you get a tasty treat! 

Although, this tip may encourage guests to drop in unexpectedly. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

14. Homemade Air Fresheners

Mix water with a few drops of your favorite essential oils in a spray bottle. Use this to freshen up any room.

You can also put your favorite scents in a diffuser to freshen up your space. We keep a diffuser in our homeschool room and I swear it increases focus and productivity. And it just smells really good.

15. Eucalyptus in the Shower

Hang a bundle of eucalyptus in your shower. The steam releases its invigorating oils, creating a spa-like experience.

16. Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers not only brighten up a room but also add a natural scent. I like to grab bouquets whenever I stop in at Trader Joe’s. They are inexpensive and it’s fun to buy myself flowers.

Choose fragrant varieties like roses or lilies to add a naturally floral scent to your home. 

17. Natural Fabric Sprays

Create a fabric spray with water, essential oils, and a bit of vodka or witch hazel. Use it on upholstery, curtains, and bedding.

My favorite essential oil blend for linens is: Equal parts lemon and tea tree oil with one drop of frankincense to make it a little bit earthy. It smells like a high end home store.

How to Make Your House Smell Good all the Time

Instead of rushing around trying to clean and make my house smell good when someone is on their way over to the house, the goal is to keep it nice and fresh all the time. I know. This can feel like an impossible task, because our homes are actually lived in.

Even if you have a well lived in home, full of daily memory making with your kids, there are some easy things you can do to make your house smell good all the time. These tips are simple to implement and will make you feel like you are winning at home care.

18. Cedar Blocks

I have a cedar lined closet in my room, and it is the best. I love the natural woodsy smell. But, you don’t have to add cedar lining to the closet with this tip.

Use cedar blocks in closets to ward off musty smells. They’re especially good for keeping clothes fresh. And if you are super crafty, which I am not, I’m sure you can come up with a brilliantly creative way to make the block part of your decor. I just like the smell and I don’t worry too much about my closet aesthetic. 

19. Lemon and Baking Soda

Combine lemon juice with baking soda for a powerful cleaning and deodorizing paste. It’s great for scrubbing sinks and countertops. I like to use this in bath tubs. It makes everything smell clean and fresh with no overpowering odors.

20. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is excellent for absorbing odors. Place it in problem areas like closets or the fridge.

21. Dried Lavender

Scatter dried lavender around the house. It’s perfect for a calming, pleasant scent. If you feel really motivated, you can grow your own lavender. We have some in our flower beds and it grows like a weed.

22. Homemade Reed Diffusers

Make a reed diffuser with essential oils, water, and a carrier oil. It not only looks pretty, but it is an effective way to fragrance your home.

23. Natural Soaps

Place bars of natural soap in your linen closet. They impart a lovely, subtle fragrance to your towels and sheets. And you also have extra bars of soap for unexpected guests, or when your kids wait to tell you that they ran out until they actually ran out. Not that my kids EVER do this.

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