Have you ever noticed that when someone is expecting a baby there is a progression of common questions that are asked of the expectant parents. The nosy Nellies want to know, “Was this planned?” Others ask “When are you due?” then the questions proceed to “Are you going to find out the gender?”. Once the gender is revealed (or not), the questions always, always turn to the name. “What are you going to name your baby?” Some people announce it out loud shouting it from the rooftops, while others keep the secret of the name as guarded as the U.S. nuclear codes. Either way, what to name the baby becomes the center of what everybody’s talking about.

When Choosing a name there are so many factors to consider. What goes with our last name? Does the name open up any pathways to terrible nicknames? Is there anybody we don’t like that has that name? What does the name mean? That last question is one that most people put a lot of thought into. What does it mean, or as the title of this post asks, what’s in a name?

Even throughout the Bible, names reflected what was happening in the parents’ lives at the time. Sarah laughed when she was told at age ninety she would have a son, and she named her son Isaac, or laughter. Jacob was given the name deceiver as he manipulated his brother for a ride out of the womb, and later after a holy wrestling match, his name was changed to Israel, as he no longer had to bear the burden of deceiver. In the New Testament Zachariah was mute until he announced his son’s name. Names are a big deal.

So when I started churning up this idea to start a blog, the name was really the first decision to make. While this wasn’t a decision of Biblical proportion or as important as naming my kids, there was still much to consider. I had to think about how the name would sound to an audience of not just me. It had to have meaning and represent what I want to accomplish with this new project, all while reflecting my own personality and values as the author. This is how My Homeschool with a View was named. And like many of us do when naming our children, I named this blog long before it was born.

Why My Homeschool with a View? Well, first because it is MY blog. I don’t say that because I’m possessive or controlling, but this project will have my voice and my views all over it. Did you know that the “About Me” page of a blog is normally the most popular page? I think those of us that read blogs like to feel like we know the writer. Reading a blog gives us the opportunity to step into someone else’s world and see from a new perspective. That’s where the MY came from. You will get to experience my view.

Next, this is a blog about homeschooling, mostly. I’m a second generation homeschooler and feel like our school time is an extension of our family time. It’s just part of our life, part of our home. We have schooled in hotel rooms in Portland and museums in Dublin. For us, homeschool is a way of life. While I may occasionally venture into non-homeschooling topics, homeschooling will always be the center point of what I write.

The last part is my view. I get the opportunity to invite you into my life and see my view from here. My love of shiny new curriculum and resources and makes me really look forward to passing on my excitement for great resources to you all through curriculum reviews. I also live in view of the Rocky Mountains so I have a home with a (barely) mountain view, which also means I have a homeschool with a view.

Whether you have a view of the mountains, the country, the beach, or just the side of your neighbor’s house, I look forward to welcoming you into My Homeschool with a View.

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