I recently heard a You Tuber say that there aren’t a lot of options available for homeschool curriculum for high school. Her premise was that a majority of homeschool parents put their kids in public or private schools to homeschool. While this may have been true back when I was homeschool a loooooong time ago, I don’t think this actually stands true today. The majority of homeschoolers I know, including myself, have pretty strong convictions and reasons for homeschooling their kids.

All of that aside, I decided to start a list of all of the homeschool curriculum for high school options. As you will see, this is not a small list and there is not a lack of resources available in this area. This is by no means a comprehensive list as I’m sure there are so many resources available. This is just what I knew off the top of my head, and a few that other homeschool mama friends mentioned. Enjoy!

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Complete Homeschool Curriculum for High School

These are all options where you can order a complete curriculum package by grade level for high school. You can also buy subjects ala carte from these publishers if you prefer to mix and match curriculum.

*Non-religious or non-religious options available

Abeka  Homeschool

ACE – Accelerated Christian Education

BJU Press

Christian Liberty Press

Christian Light Education

Easy Peasy All in One High School (Free Curriculum)

Master Books

Memoria Press


My Father’s World



Veritas Press

Homeschool Curriculum for High School Individual Subjects

These are publishers who don’t offer full curriculum packages but either specialize in certain subjects or who offer many options but not quite a complete curriculum. As I already mentioned, the publishers that I listed under complete curriculum options offer ala carte subjects. Since those publishers are already listed, I won’t list them under individual subjects, but remember you can always order math or English or anything else from one of those publishers.

Live Online Classes: Mr. D Math Training Like an Olympic Runner

Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Math

*CTC Math

Life of Fred

*Math U See

*Mr. D Math (Lot’s of other subjects too)


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Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Language Arts

*Analytical Grammar

*Center for Lit

Classical Academic Press

*Essentials in Writing and Essentials in Literature

The Good and the Beautiful

Homeschool Curriculum for High School: History

*Beautiful Feet Books

Notgrass History

Simply Charlotte Mason (Family style with high school options)

The Good and the Beautiful (Family style with high school extension)

Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Science

101 Series


*Friendly Science

Novare Science

Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Electives

There are so many options for electives and different categories for electives that it would be impossible to put it together a comprehensive list. Most of the publishers listed about have homeschool electives for high schoolers. I also want to encourage you to be creative with electives. Not everything has to be in the form of curriculum. If your kids have a specific professional interest or a field that they may want to enter after high school, look into professional certifications. There are usually online or in person classes for professional certifications and you can use these as homeschool electives. I’m all for giving my kids as many tools for life after high school as they can handle.

Homeschooling for High School

What are you planning to do with your homeschooler for high school? Are you thinking public or private school, or do you plan to stay the course and homeschool all the way through. I would be interested to see what the majority of people are planning. Let me know in the comments or on Facebook.

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